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Happy (re)NEW YEAR!

New Year – new habits, maybe…

We all know the feeling: overindulgence during the Christmas holidays, being with our beloved family 24/7, and stressful last-minute shopping are the order of the day. Then we have New Year’s Eve followed by a new year with loads of resolutions and plans – often putting more pressure on us than we’d like.

We actually wanted to start 2024 without any stress, and that’s the way it should be, so that we feel brand new and fresh. So, take off the pressure – we’ve got some feel-good ideas for body and soul, to make you feel completely at home in your skin.

#1 Treat your body to a break

It’s important to give your body and mind a break – especially after all the festivities with loads of food, drink and emotion. With our FRESH packs ABC it’s really easy to get back into balance. FRESH pack antiox contains lots of secondary plant substances, vitamins and minerals and provides both antioxidants and cell protection. FRESH pack balancing restores the acid-alkali balance in our bodies, and FRESH pack cleansing regulates digestion in a natural way.


#2 Relaxation

Relaxation is the condition of feeling good. It’s when our bodies, minds and souls are fully in balance. We let go of pressure, tension and stress. Here’s one simple tip: before going to sleep, sit down, close your eyes and take 5 mindful, deep breaths. Treat yourself to a foot massage with our FRESH foot balm and enjoy the natural scent of menthol and camphor. Pure relaxation! Sleep well!


#3 Let it flow

Take one clean sheet of paper and a pen, and jot down whatever comes into your head. That often helps to clear your mind, giving you a wonderful sense of release. Feel free.

#4 Calm down a bit

Listen to loud music. Dance around the house. Laugh out loud. Throw a somersault or simply gaze out the window and watch the birds outside. Let your thoughts run free. Be in the moment. To boost your sense of serenity on a daily basis, we recommend our CAPS moodoo as a way of maintaining emotional balance. They contain extracts of schisandra berry and ashwagandha root – adaptogens that help preserve mental resilience and give you inner strength. Do it your way.


#5 Feel good

The best and simplest wellness treat after a tiring day is a long shower or a pampering bath. It’s all about saying CIAO to stress for the rest of the day and literally washing off anything negative. In a best-case scenario, you’ll feel reborn! If you want to double the feel-good factor, we recommend our FRESH body milk. Specially developed for the needs of dry skin, it nourishes and soothes the skin with high-quality plant oils, delivering a sense of intense well-being and suppleness.

#6 Spread love

Small gestures and words can achieve great things. Hugging loved ones and saying something nice to them will create happiness – for you and for them. 100% guaranteed. 100% free.

Happy (re)NEW YEAR 🙂

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